Part III: Maximizing Digital Marketing
Techniques during COVID-19

by Kevin W. Brown, M.B.A.
{Note: This is the 3rd article in a 3-part series}
In the last issue of this three-part article on “Cutting-Edge Techniques for The New Era of Digital Marketing,” we focused on focus is on two critical strategic issues: establishing results-driven goals, and branding that differentiates your business.
In this issue, we apply key principles of Integrated Internet Marketing to websites, SEO/SEM, social media and e-communication.
Adapt or Perish
Those businesses who are the fastest and most flexible in adapting to digital marketing trends will have an advantage over competitors, establishing marketing leadership that others will try to follow.
Websites are still fundamental!
More than likely, your website is still the cornerstone of your online marketing methods. With people spending more time indoors, there has been a pronounced switch to desktop traffic and purchases. So, do not ignore the importance of having a modern-looking website with current content.
You might have suspected that your website needs work. You will want to carefully evaluate this aspect of your business, taking into consideration the website’s look and ease of use; integration of social media; whether it works on different platforms, including mobile devices; and whether it incorporates your business’s branding positioned for your target market. All too often, a website is developed as a stand-alone project by one vendor without integrating planning for interaction with other digital marketing techniques – avoid this mistake!
With increased online usage, many businesses have experienced significant results during COVID-19 by implementing Search Engine Marketing (SEM). SEM is the process of gaining website traffic from enhanced visibility on search engines by purchasing ads. SEM primarily involves buying pay-per-click (PPC) ads that display on a search engine results page.
However, before jumping on the SEM bandwagon, take the time to evaluate whether your targeted market will likely respond. Of course, evaluate the potential cost/benefit. If you embark on an SEM campaign, select specific metrics to monitor its performance.
If you are trying to obtain new clients through your website but do not feel that SEM will be beneficial, consider implementing an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) program. SEO is aimed at increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results. eAlso, be sure to ask what is your expected return on investment (ROI)? For example, just because your business ranks highly for specific key word phrases does not mean you will obtain new clients.
As with other marketing tools, identify your goals up front: Why are you doing it? Apply the process of Integrated Internet Marketing to help determine how SEO or SEM will meet your needs.
Social media
According to several consumer and industry surveys, social media usage has increased significantly during the pandemic across most platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, blogs and LinkedIn. You can utilize social media to build your brand and connect more effectively with your audience.
Whether or not you are currently active in social media, take the time to evaluate which platforms are most effective in reaching your target market. Then, develop a comprehensive campaign to consistently reach your audience. Your messaging should build brand awareness and positive perceptions of your business, so be aware of how the content might be perceived by all demographics in your client base and business contacts. Remember that social media is strongly influenced by frequency and interactivity, so make the commitment to maintain and active campaign, while developing creative and useful methods for interaction.
E-communication campaigns
E-communication campaigns come in many forms, including announcements, newsletters, e-blasts, blogs, and posts. Consider developing an annual calendar of topics – this proactive approach will help you to distribute your e-communication on a consistent basis (vs. the one-and-done newsletter). Your goal should be to make the content useful, interesting, and compelling.
High quality content (that is relevant to your target audience’s needs) will attract a loyal audience, help retain current clients, improve your branding and enhance your reputation, and will help to drive new clients to your practice. Clear and compelling communication are key elements of Integrated Internet Marketing.
Make your next move profitable!
If your business is interested in implementing digital marketing, contact the experts at Exemplar Digital Marketing.
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