Wallace P. Johnson Plumbing and Heating, Inc. is a family-owned business serving owners, developers, general contractors and contractors in commercial and industrial construction. This website was written and designed for the specific needs of the construction market.
Full-Service CPA Firm
edmadmin2018-04-23T20:24:53+00:00This project involved extensive copywriting and branding, which were instrumental to the success of the website. The client desired very in-depth content, including numerous key aspects of the firm's distinctiveness, detailed service descriptions, industries served, several resources including calculators, and an extensive career section. Response options are included to encourage interaction. The site also includes [...]
Community Church
edmadmin2018-06-08T23:14:41+00:00This website has many custom-designed features, including an opening video that meshes with the church's branding. The project also included branding consulting and content development services, which were essential to develop the "look and feel" that this client desired as a not-for-profit.
Personal Injury Law Firm
edmadmin2018-04-23T20:24:53+00:00This website was designed to encourage interaction with users, aimed at a consumer/individual audience. Many features were added to help build an understanding of the firm and its capabilities. A blog, free guides, and response forms all help users to access critical info and get immediate attention.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
edmadmin2018-04-23T20:24:53+00:00This project began with branding (logo design, corporate color scheme, strategy and content). Credentials are critical for ADR providers, so the website clearly and professional demonstrated the client's expertise. The website's graphic design exemplifies important features for the client's related marketing efforts, including e-communication.
Law Firm Marketing
edmadmin2018-04-11T02:05:46+00:00This comprehensive project involved all of Exemplar's services. A distinctive logo incorporated the firms' slogan, "Supreme marketing for attorneys." Content development included both text and visual aspects, to dramatically showcase the firm's expertise. The website's graphic design builds upon the slogan, using stunning photographs. Finally, a combination of search engine optimization, social media, and e-communication [...]
Logo – CH Forensics
edmadmin2018-04-23T20:24:53+00:00Our client desired a professional-looking logo with modern fonts and colors; eye-catching and distinctive!