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eXemplar Digital Marketing
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20 Signs That Your Website Needs Updating

(hint -- if your favorite reptile is below, your website might qualify for an overhaul)

You might have suspected that your website needs work. Here are a few questions to consider in your evaluation …

  1. Does it look out-of-date, not contemporary? Is it more than 5 years old?
  2. Is the home page image full screen? Or do you have margins/borders on each side?
  3. Is it professional looking? Does it look like a home-spun site? Is it an embarrassment to the professionalism of your firm?
  4. Does it work effectively on mobile devices?
  5. Is the navigation (menu) difficult to use or confusing?
  6. Is it cluttered with too much information and/or images?
  7. Does it integrate social media?
  8. Does your site regularly provide current information, if not on a daily basis than at least weekly?
  9. Does it incorporate your firm's "brand" concept?
  10. Is it properly positioned for your target market?
  11. Are your firm's services explained in a compelling manner?
  12. Will a prospect be able to discern your firm's key selling points?
  13. Do you have consistent traffic?
  14. Are new clients generated via your website?
  15. Is the text poorly written?
  16. Do your clients see it as a resource?
  17. Does it help you to implement regular client communication?
  18. Are the graphics a distraction or complementary?
  19. Are there any pixelated photos?
  20. Does maintenance of the site take an inordinate amount of your personnel's time or is it outsourced to professionals?

If you find that you've checked some of these items, it is probably time to update if not completely replace your website. Consider using Exemplar Digital Marketing for your website design. Our professionals have decades of experience in developing hundreds of websites. We are cost-effective, responsive and work with you to design a website to meet your specific needs.

Contact Exemplar Digital Marketing if you'd like an estimate for your website development project.

How to Get an E-Newsletter Up and Running without Losing Your Mind!

E-newsletters can be an effective business development tool -- but getting started can be a challenge. How can an e-newsletter be beneficial to your firm's marketing efforts? What must be done for your firm to create a successful newsletter? What about the database?


Here is an edited Q&A session from "Big News for Small Firms," The Magazine of the Solo and Small Firm section of the California State Bar Association, reprinted with permission. Read the article …

Social Media: Research Shows Current Trends

Is your firm actively using social media to reach your audience? If not, consider these facts:

  • Around 7 out of 10 Americans use social media to connect with one another, engage with news content, share information and entertain themselves. (Source: Pew Research Center)
  • Approximately 1 million new active mobile social users are added every day - about 12 per second! (Source: SocialMediaToday)
  • On a total population basis (accounting for Americans who do not use the internet at all), 68% of all U.S. adults are Facebook users, while 28% use Instagram, 26% use Pinterest, 25% use LinkedIn and 21% use Twitter. (Source: Pew Research Center)
  • Social media usage is prevalent in the under-30 year old demographic (for example, roughly 6 out of 10 online adults ages 18-29, 59%, use Instagram, nearly double the share among 30- to 49-year-olds, 33%). (Source: Pew Research Center)
  • Adults aged 18-34 are most likely follow a brand via social networking (95%). (Source: MarketingSherpa)

What are some other good business reasons to enhance your social media marketing?

  • 71% of consumers who have had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others. (Source: Ambassador)
  • Visual content is more than 40 times more likely to get shared on social media than other types of content. (Source: HubSpot)

Social media's importance is increasing and it is useful to develop an increased presence in order to maintain your firm's image in the market - and create inquiries and sales opportunities.

bkgd1How Exemplar can help:

It can be quite difficult to launch and maintain a social media campaign. If you're facing this challenge, Exemplar Digital Marketing can help. Our assistance includes:

  • Develop a social media strategy
  • Set up your social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
  • Plan/calendarize for regular posts
  • Post content on a daily or weekly basis (per client's needs)
  • Content research and development
  • Create/procure graphic imagery as needed per various platforms
  • Handle all details of posts
  • Tools to drive traffic back to your website

Experience the Exemplar Digital Marketing difference!

Contact Exemplar Digital Marketing if you'd like to improve your social media marketing.

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